Tuesday, 8 July 2014

West Wyalong - Gulargambone - July 2014

As we drive off on a freezing cold, windy and wet afternoon it still hasn't really sunk in that this is it! All the planning and dreaming from the past 4 years has paid off and we are actually doing this crazy adventure. We have sold everything we could, stored what we couldn't, kissed our families goodbye and without any real plan (expect to head for warmth) driven off! 
We were only going to go about 100km but because the weather was so horrid decided to just keep driving, we stopped at a roadside rest area about 15km south of Dubbo, watched a movie and went to bed. Pretty exciting for our 1st night on the road!!

I woke up Wednesday morning sick also and Chloe wasn't looking too good but we had lots to get through that day starting with a quick trip to Dubbo Zoo. We decided to drive the car around to make it a bit quicker and easier. Lucy wore out pretty quickly and spent most of the time looking at the animals from the car.

 The Siamang's put on an amazing show for us. The sounds they make are incredible

We then headed to Dubbo Distance Education to pick up Lucy's school work for term 3.
Lucy going thru her school work at Lightning Ridge

We stayed the night at a small but lovely (and cheap!) caravan park in Gulargambone. This park had some goats, an alpaca and some geese, which would have usually made our little animal lover very happy, but she was going downhill fast and just wasn't interested. So it was early to bed once again.

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