Thursday, 24 October 2013

Well heaps has been happening with the bus in the last couple of months. We pulled the windows out which was a huge job, they were sikaflexed in (which is a really really strong adhesive) and it took about 2-3 hours for each window to be removed. Only 1 got broken which was of course done by me! Lucky we had enough time from the first crack to get a sheet to put down and catch all the glass.
Me cleaning off the remaining glass particles - Oops!

Framing the windows

Then Brad sanded and painted the roof with about 6 coats of a product called thermashield, which is supposed to act as a barrier from the sun and reduce the inside temperature of the bus. Hopefully it works! He has also installed the air conditioners (one for travel and one for stationery use), a few vents and the dish for satellite TV.

Yay we have walls!!
Another big thing Brad has installed which I have forgotten to take a photo, is the auto levelling system, which is pretty cool and means we can get the bus level with a press of a button! It is also making it easier for Brad to keep everything level while he is building. We are now waiting on a big shipment of panels and things (very technical I know) from a fabulous company called Duralite. We used these materials with our last bus, it is a really really light weight construction system for motorhome interiors. We recommend talking to these guys if you are looking at renovating a motorhome.
While we are waiting for this to arrive though Brad is busy doing heaps of other stuff in the bus, he is never idle! He has made the frame for the kids bunks, he is currently framing up the bathroom, the solar panels and batteries should be here this week, so much to do... Will add some more pics soon